DHCP_SNOOPING-4 Error Message DHCP_SNOOPING-4-AGENT_OPERATION_FAILED_N: DHCP snooping binding transfer failed([dec]). [chars] Explanation This message is logged once every 30 minutes and displays the [dec] number of failures that occurred for a given reason [chars] during the past 30 minutes. This message is a rate-limited version of the DHCP_SNOOPING-4-AGENT_OPERATION_FAILED message. Recommended Action Based on the reason for the error [chars], look at the explanation for the DHCP_SNOOPING-4-AGENT_OPERATION_FAILED message, and take the appropriate action. Error Message DHCP_SNOOPING-4-AGENT_OPERATION_FAILED: DHCP snooping binding transfer failed. Unable to access URL. Explanation The DHCP snooping binding transfer failed. The reason for failure can include any of the following: –The URL is not available to use. –Not enough memory is available for creating an agent. –The number of agents reached the maximum supported limit. –The switch is unable to create an agent. –The switch is unable to access the URL. –The switch is unable to start the agent. –The Abort timer expired. –The number of entries exceeded the maximum supported limit. –An error occurred when reading the remote database. –An error occurred while writing to the remote database. –DHCP snooping expected more data during the read. –The string type is invalid. –The version string type is invalid. –DHCP snooping is expecting a new line in the database. –'TYPE' was not found in the remote database. –'VERSION' was not found in the remote database. –'BEGIN' was not found in the remote database. –'END' was not found in the remote database. –The type string was not found in the remote database. –The version string was not found in the remote database. –The checksum failed upon entry into the remote database. Recommended Action Based on the reason for the error (listed above), take the appropriate action. Error Message DHCP_SNOOPING-4-DHCP_SNOOPING_DATABASE_FLASH_WARNING: Saving DHCP snooping bindings to [char] can fill up your device causing the writes of bindings to device Explanation Saving DHCP snooping bindings to a flash file system such as bootflash or slot0 could cause the flash to fill up. Possible consequences include a long delay to regain a console connection, write failures for database configurations, regular squeeze requirements, and reduced life of flash due to regular squeeze operations. Recommended Action Save the DHCP snooping bindings to an alternate destination. Possible locations for the database agent include a TFTP or FTP server. Please see the command line help for a complete list of options. Error Message DHCP_SNOOPING-4-DHCP_SNOOPING_ERRDISABLE_WARNING: DHCP Snooping received [dec] DHCP packets on interface [char] Explanation DHCP snooping detected a DHCP packet rate-limit violation on the specified interface. The interface will be placed in the errdisable state. Recommended Action This is an informational message only. No action is required. Error Message DHCP_SNOOPING-4-DHCP_SNOOPING_PVLAN_WARNING: DHCP Snooping configuration may not take effect on secondary vlan [dec]. [char] Explanation DHCP snooping configuration on the primary VLAN automatically propagates to all secondary VLANs if private VLANs are enabled. Recommended Action This is an informational message only. No action is required. Error Message DHCP_SNOOPING-4-IP_SOURCE_BINDING_PVLAN_WARNING: IP source filter may not take effect on secondary vlan [dec] where IP source binding is configured. [char] Explanation The IP source filter on the primary VLAN automatically propagates to all secondary VLANs if private VLANs are enabled. Recommended Action Reconfigure the IP source binding to a known functioning VLAN. Error Message DHCP_SNOOPING-4-IP_SOURCE_BINDING_NON_EXISTING_VLAN_WARNING: IP source binding is configured on non existing vlan [dec]. Explanation IP source binding was configured on a VLAN that has not yet been configured. Recommended Action This is an informational message only. No action is required. It may persist unless you define the VLAN in question and then reapply the IP source binding. If you see this message regarding a VLAN that is correctly configured, contact your technical support representative. Error Message DHCP_SNOOPING-4-NTP_NOT_RUNNING: NTP is not running; reloaded binding lease expiration times are incorrect. Explanation If the DHCP snooping bindings are loaded by the DHCP snooping database agent and NTP is not running, then the calculated lease duration for the bindings will be incorrect. Recommended Action Configure NTP on the switch to provide an accurate time and date for the system clock. Then disable and re-enable DHCP snooping to clear the bindings database. Error Message DHCP_SNOOPING-4-QUEUE_FULL: Fail to enqueue DHCP packet into processing queue: [char] Explanation DHCP packets are coming into the CPU at a much higher rate than the DHCP snooping process can handle them. These unhandled DHCP packets will be dropped to prevent a denial of service attack. Recommended Action This is an informational message only. No action is required. Error Message DHCP_SNOOPING-4-SSO_SYNC_ACK_ERROR:Error is encountered in processing acknowledgement for DHCP snooping binding sync [char]. ack message txn id:[hex] Explanation There was an error in handling the DHCP synchronization acknowledgement. In most of these cases, the ACK message is ignored. Recommended Action This is an informational message only. No action is required. Error Message DHCP_SNOOPING-4-STANDBY_AGENT_OPERATION_FAILED: DHCP snooping binding transfer failed on the Standby Supervisor. [char] Explanation If the DHCP snooping database supporting SSO is configured as a local device, both supervisor engines will update their database whenever there is an update regarding bindings. This error message is an indication that a snooping database update on the standby supervisor engine failed in the manner mentioned. The most likely cause for these problems is if the snooping database is configured as a slot0 device, but functioning compact flash memory is only present on the active supervisor engine's slot0 while the standby supervisor engine's slot0 is empty or faulty. Possible variations in output include: "URL not available for use." "Not enough memory available for creating agent." "Number of agents reached maximum supported limit." "Unable to create agent." "Unable to access URL." "Unable to start agent." "Abort timer expiry." "Number of entries exceeded max supported limit." "Unable to transfer bindings. Memory allocation failure." "Error reading the remote database." "Error writing to remote database." "Expected more data on read." "Type string invalid." "Version string invalid." "New line expected in database." "\'TYPE\' not found in remote database." "\'VERSION\' not found in remote database." "\'BEGIN \' not found in remote database." "\'END\' not found in remote database." "Type string not found in remote database." "Version string not found in remote database." "Checksum failed on an entry in remote database." "No failure recorded." Recommended Action The switch will continue to function if no action is taken, but the redundancy features will be compromised until both active and standby supervisor engines have working flash memory available. Replace or insert flash memory into the supervisor engine that lacks it if needed. |
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