Envision Folders & Files To Backup

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a43422 | Envision Folders & Files To Backup


Envision Folders & Files To Backup


Envision (All Currently Supported Versions)

Windows 2003 SP2


What files or folders should I backup for DR purposes?


File & Folders To Backup

Here is a list of what you should backup:

1. E:\nic\<version>\<hostname>\database\dbbkup
2. E:\nic\<version>\<hostname>\webapps\pi\pireport
3. E:\nic\<version>\<hostname>\webapps\pi\piquery
4. E:\nic\<version>\<hostname>\etc
5. E:\nic\<version>\<hostname>\conf
6. E:\nic\csd\config
7. E:\nic\csd\global
8. E:\nic\csd\license
9. E:\nic\csd\ipaddr.tab
10. E:\nic\lsnode or (\\<nas>\vol0\lsnode, \\<nas>\vol1\lsnode, etc.)

1. Backup copy of your NIC database.
2. Custom reports and binds.
3. Custom queries.
4. Device configurations
5. Configuration information.
6. Common storage directory. In an LS or LS-EA configuration, this may reside on the shared storage (NAS).
7. Common storage directory. In an LS or LS-EA configuration, this may reside on the shared storage (NAS).
8. License key. In an LS or LS-EA configuration, this may reside on the shared storage (NAS).
9. IP address to hostname mappings. In an LS or LS-EA configuration, this may reside on the shared storage (NAS).
10. All collected device data. In an LS or LS-EA configuration, this may reside on the shared storage (NAS).

Blackhattrick blog
Envision Folders & Files To Backup Envision Folders & Files To Backup Reviewed by BlackHat on 11:44 PM Rating: 5


Alain Rojas said...

How do i backup my custom reports? Is there some place to obtain a list of all custom reports i currently have?

BlackHat said...

Hi Alain,

Welcome to world of Blackhat Hacker

Sorry for late reply as i am too much busy in my work.

yes you can backup your own custom reports.
but you need access of RSA envision server.

on RSA dir there is path where all your custom reports were saved when you created reports. you can copy that reports and take backup.

happy hunting

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