enVision: After new installation, temporary license on R710 appliances is missing

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a51996 | enVision: After new installation, temporary license on R710 appliances is missing


EnVision 4.0

Dell R710


temporary license is missing


With the introduction of the R710 appliance a new image and hardware model was created. In order for enVision and the configwiz to treat the R710 hardware as 2950, i.e., “60 series”, the lsconfiguration wizard, and enVision installer had to be modified. And yes, if the updated versions of these files are not used temp licenses will not be installed.

When imaging an R710 appliance you need to use G1 image 9021K or higher image.

You need to use the lsconfigwizard contained in WINDOWS4000b0256.zip or higher.

You need to use enVision 4.0 GA build 229.

Blackhattrick blog
enVision: After new installation, temporary license on R710 appliances is missing enVision: After new installation, temporary license on R710 appliances is missing Reviewed by BlackHat on 11:44 PM Rating: 5

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