enVision LS Maintenance Tool

enVision LS Maintenance Tool

Use the Maintenance utility, lsmaint.exe to copy, delete and move event storage data. This utility is located in the ..\bin directory.

The lsmaint.exe is a command line tool used to perform a variety of functions, such as copy data, delete data, and move data.

Usage: lsmaint <action> -time <start> <end>


lsmaint <action> [-gmt] -time <start> <end> [-storagelocation <sl>] [-deviceGroup <dg>] [-deviceset <ds>] [-devicetype <dt>] [-device <d>] [-loggingLevel <n>] [-verbose] [-maxThreads <n>] [-logIt <true|false>] [-localNode <true|false>]



-help, -h or -?

Displays this help information.


Displays a list of examples.

-directory or -l

Displays the list of local site devices.


Backs up the data/index/summary files to Offline Data Storage.

-retention <n>[Y|M|D]

Set the retention of the back up to n [Years|Months|Days]; default is 0 seconds.


Back up the key files to Offline Data Storage; default is true.


Restores the data/index/summary files from Offline Data Storage.


If data has been backed up multiple times, only restore the last backup; default is false restore all backups.


Queries for Key Files and the data/index/summary files that were backed up to Offline Data Storage.


Deletes a file from Offline Data Storage.


Writes a file to Offline Data Storage.


Reads a file from Offline Data Storage.


Offline data key.


Deletes the data/index/summary files.

-copy <destdir>

Copies the files to the directory destdir with the same hierarchy structure as source location.

-move <destdir>

Moves the files to the directory destdir with the same hierarchy structure as source location.


Shows the files that will be affected with the specified arguments but takes no action.

-rebuild [all|hour|day]

Rebuilds index and summary information.

-fix [all|hour|day]

Repairs index and summary information.

-verify [all|hour|day|crc]

Scans data, index, and summary information for errors.

-nextDSD <host>

Activates the specified host's next active Data Storage Directory (DSD).

-scanUnknown <n>

Scans for unknown or undefined messages. Output goes to logs\unknownMessages directory. <n> is the sample size for each device; default is 100 events.




Specifies that input times are to be interpreted in GMT; default is localtime. (This argument must be specified before the -time argument).

-time <start> <end> [test]


starting time

-storagelocation <sl>

Specifies a Storage directory name; default is all local site storage locations.

-deviceGroup <dg>

Specifies a Device Group.

-deviceset <ds>

Specifies a Device set name or filter; default is all local site device sets.

-devicetype <dt>

Specifies a Device type name or filter; default is all local site device types.

-device <d>

Specifies a Device name, or filter; default is all local site devices.

-localNode <true|false>

Specifies to use data stored on the local node; default is false.


Optional argument to enables verbose output to command window instead of to logger service.

-loggingLevel <n>

Sets NIC message looging to include levels less than or equal to <n>, where <n> ranges from 0 (most critical) to 7 (least critical) and the default is 5.

-maxThreads <n>

Sets the number of threads to use; default is 100 for offLineBackup and offLineRestore and 4 for all other operations.

-logIt <true|false>

Enables writing to a log in the enVision logs directory; default is false except for offLineBackup and offLineRestore.



Starting time is the beginning of the specified day.


Starting time is the beginning of the specified hour.


Starting time is the beginning time of the oldest existing data.


Starting time is the current time.


Starting time is the beginning of the current hour.


Starting time is the beginning of the previous hour (same as -1h).


Starting time is the beginning of the current day.


Starting time is the beginning of the current month.


Starting time is the beginning of the current hour minus <n> hours.


Starting time is the beginning of the current day minus <n> days.


Starting time is the beginning of the current month minus <n> months.


ending time



Ending time is the beginning of the specified day.


Ending time is the beginning of the specified hour.


Ending time is the end of the hour specified in the starting time.


Ending time is the end of the day specified in the starting time.


Ending time is the end of month specified in the starting time.


Ending time is the beginning of the current hour minus <n> hours.


Ending time is the beginning of the current day minus <n> days.


Ending time is the beginning of the current month minus <n> months.


Ending time is the end of the hour specified in the starting time plus <n> hours.


Ending time is the end of the day specified in the starting time plus <n> days.


Ending time is the end of month specified in the starting time plus <n> months.


Ending time is the end of existing data.


Time selection test mode. Displays the associated start and end times based on the <start> and <end> arguments and takes no action. Useful for confirming relative time frames.



enVision LS Maintenance Tool enVision LS Maintenance Tool Reviewed by BlackHat on 7:29 PM Rating: 5

1 comment:

phoneguy said...

If the data is moved to offline storage using the lsmaint command line utility, how is it moved back if I need to look at it?

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